Haley - Our New PopYum SuperStar

Haley - Our New PopYum SuperStar

Haley’s Instagram: @_pandabear_94

Say hello to our new PopYum SuperStar Haley from Massachusetts! Haley, who caught our eye on Facebook with her absolutely adorable pictures of her youngest with PopYum, is a mom of 2 boys. 


PopYum Superstars features our wonderful PopYum moms and dads who love to share the joy of PopYum with other babies and parents! We love to meet all of you wonderful PopYum family and friends. It always brings a smile to our face seeing the joys of feeding and to be a part of your baby’s life. 

We would like to give a big shoutout to our superfans, who will be honored with the title of PopYum Superstar! PopYum Superstars can earn free PopYum products, have an article featuring him/her in our blog and a mention on our website, and may be involved with some of our exciting activities- such as giveaways, contests, and more! For a chance to be a PopYum star, share your stories and posts with your baby and PopYum and you may be selected to be our next PopYum Superstar! 

PopYum is very excited to have Haley as our second PopYum Superstar joining us! We got the wonderful chance to talk with Haley to learn more about her amazing journey as a new mom. 

PopYum: How did you feel the day you became a mom for the first time?

Haley: The day I became a mother was in 2013 and it was the most magical moment.

PopYum: What tips would you give to a first time parent that you wish you knew when you had your first baby?

Haley: Nap when the baby naps! It works wonders and keeps you energized throughout the day.

PopYum: What do you think is the most challenging part of being a mom?

Haley: Honestly I don’t find anything challenging. I’m always ready for whatever comes my way.

PopYum: What’s your favorite thing about PopYum?

Haley: My favorite thing about PopYum is when I’m on the go and my baby gets hungry I can just pull over grab my PopYum bottle push the buttons and I’m good to go.

PopYum: What is your favorite part about becoming a mom?

Haley: My favorite part about becoming a mom is watching my kids grow and learning new things.

PopYum: Tell us about your kids!

Sons with PopYum

Haley: I have 2 boys! Yes, I’m a boy mom! My oldest - his name is Zackary and he’s 8 years old. My second is going to be 4 months old on January 12th. Time goes by fast so enjoy them while they are little.

PopYum: Tell us something about you! What do you like to do for fun?

Haley: What I like to do for fun is honestly play Candy Crush . I love movies and hanging out with friends and spending time with my family.

PopYum: How do you find ‘me-time’ while raising your kids?

Haley: I have a lot of help at home. My mom lives on the first floor and she’s a big help. I also have my boyfriend's mom who is also a big help. She takes the baby when I want some me-time.

PopYum: Do you have anything else about yourself, your family, your kids, or anything else that you’d like to share with PopYum friends and family?

Haley: My family would like to say to everyone to have a safe and Happy New Year! Also boy moms get ready for Fortnite, Minecraft, and Roblox!

We want to know some of your thoughts and experiences! Are they similar to Haley’s? Anyone out there a boy mom also? Do you have anything you’d like to share with the rest of PopYum nation? Comment below! We’d love to hear! 


  • Yasmeen said:

    Awe look at big bro! 😍

    March 28, 2022

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