Tamara - Our New PopYum Superstar
We would like to give a big shout out to our new PopYum SuperStar Tamara. Tamara is a super mom of two kids - her 11 year old daughter and 3 month old son. Tamara is into crafting, enjoys playing board games, has a talent for sewing (check out the super cute outfits she has made for her baby!), and spends what time she has left experiencing new restaurants and food stands—because who doesn’t love a quick grab ‘n’ go meal!
We had the pleasure of chatting with Tamara and hearing a little bit about her personal journey as a mom of two!
PopYum: How did you feel the day you became a mother?
Tamara: I was terrified! It’s not what most moms say but as a young mom who was the baby of the house, I didn’t know anything about babies!
PopYum: How did you discover PopYum?
Tamara: An ad on social media! We struggled finding a bottle that our breastfed baby would take and were willing to try anything.
PopYum: What tips would you give to a first time parent that you wish you knew when you had your first baby?
Tamara: Give yourself the oxygen mask first. There’s a saying that mothers want to give their children the oxygen mask in an emergency but mothers need it first. It means that if you don’t take care of yourself, you can’t take care of your baby. Don’t miss your own appointments and take your recovery seriously. It’s too easy to put our needs off and focus on just the baby but don’t do it!

PopYum: What do you think is the most challenging part of being a mom?
Tamara: Guilt. No matter how hard you try to do everything right, there will be times you feel guilty. We even find ourselves guilty for THINKING about “me time”. There are no perfect parents. Just love your baby and always do what you think is best.
PopYum: What’s your favorite thing about PopYum?
Tamara: One handed use!
PopYum: What’s your favorite part about being a mom?
Tamara: Love. It’s a kind of love that can’t be matched in any other way.
PopYum: Tell us about your little ones!
Tamara: I have two babies! My first baby is a spunky 11 year old girl named Peyton. She loves the outdoors and anime. She spends her time creating characters and playing outside with her husky. My second baby is three months old and his name is Justin. He loves snuggles and when his sissy “gets his nose”.
PopYum: Tell us about you!
Tamara: I’m a crafter by heart. I’m always looking for new fun DIY activities. I’m an expert seamstress but closed my e-commerce business when the pandemic hit. I still sew clothing for my kids in my spare time. I like experiencing new foods at restaurants or food stands. Walking the beautiful Lehigh Valley Gorge trail in my town is my favorite family activity. We also play board games and watch movies often!
PopYum: How do you find ‘me-time’ while raising your kids?
Tamara: Me time doesn’t have to be this huge event or planned period of time. While the kids are napping or playing nicely I take a few minutes to myself to do something just for me. I can paint my nails or read a chapter of my book or enjoy a snack outside. I have to pretend to let the dog out to avoid sharing or even just sit and relax for a minute.
PopYum: Do you have any “mom hacks” or cool tips or tricks you’d like to share with the rest of PopYum Nation?
Tamara: My best mom hack–ever– happened by accident. I told my daughter spinach tortillas were special Christmas editions because it was all we had. As a typical three year old would, she immediately curled her nose when she saw green but once I said special Christmas tortilla, she happily bit into it! Later down the road my parents called cream cheese “special princess butter” because they didn’t have butter for some toast she requested. It opened her up to trying new foods without complaint. Try fun things with your kids like naming “fairy garden trees” for broccoli or saying, “peas give you super strength for just a second”, while showing them how you can pick up something a little heavy to them with ease after eating some.
PopYum: Is there anything else you’d like to share with our PopYum audience?
Tamara: We are open to adding friends to our circle any time! Give us a follow and feel free to message me if you ever need someone to talk to, or just have someone listen with compassion and understanding.
Hope you enjoyed Tamara’s beautiful story. We can’t wait to hear yours!
“PopYum Superstars” feature rockstar moms and dads who are happily sharing the many ways that PopYum products have positively impacted their daily lives with their network of family and friends.
Superstars and their families are considered to be an extension of our family, and we love getting to know a little bit about each and every one of you. From sharing your experience with PopYum to hearing about your favorite parenting stories–in infancy to toddler-hood and beyond–as well as learning your family hacks and travel tips, we love to hear from you.
We value our connection with our super fans and their families, like Tamara, which is why we came up with a way to show our appreciation of their fantastic support. Tag us at #PopYum when you share your stories/posts of your little one using PopYum products and you may be selected to be our next PopYum Superstar! If selected, you will receive:
- Free PopYum products
- A feature in our blog/website
- Become part of the action in exciting activities- such as giveaways, contests and more!
Check out Tamara’s social media feeds below:
Tamara’s Instagram: www.instagram.com/fairytalebt
Tamara’s TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@fairytalebt
Tamara’s Pinterest: https://pin.it/6r7i4hc
Tamara’s Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/tamara.granese?mibextid=LQQJ4d
Tamara’s YouTube: https://youtube.com/channel/UC3DLCEvWjk6YbDv3gHvAMag
Tamara’s Amazon Page: https://www.amazon.com/shop/fairytalebt